Re: [Xen-users] Need Help related to Xen
Hi Tushir,
On 10/3/06, Tushir Parekh <TP260@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
So I need your
help regards to that. So If you have any updates or anything related to Xen
then could you
please inform me ? And one more thing is that if you have any documentation
related to that
then please do send me that as well.
I think you misunderstood what mailing lists are about. I'll try to
explain it in a few words:
This mailing list is not a newsletter from a company that provides
generic information upopn request. On this lists, Xen users from all
over the world are subscribed to share information about Xen, and help
each other with problems.
So we have no readymade set of information we send to each one coming
newly to the list. Instead, if you are getting started with Xen, and
have a specific problem or question, you can ask it here.
As we are all people that also have other things to do, vecause
answering question on this list isn't our main job, please and try to
find the information yourself by using a search engine and the basic
information on Xen listed below before posting here.
Consider reading the netiquette
(http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenUsersNetiquette) before doing
so, because it makes helping you a lot easier, and getting help for
you a lot more likely.
Basic Xen docs:
The Xen manual: http://tx.downloads.xensource.com/downloads/docs/user/
All the Mailing list's previous Mails are available in the archive:
http://lists.xensource.com/archives/html/xen-users/ (you will also see
how this lists works when reading through these mails)
You should also read (and edit, if you have valuable information to
add to it) the wiki: http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/
especially the FAQ: http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenFaq
If these don't provide the information you need, and you run into a
problem folloing these docs, we are here to help you with any concrete
Xen-users mailing list