> I may stand to be corrected here, I do not believe IPCop will
> run "paravirtualized" under Xen 3. I seem to recall that it
> has something to do with Xen 3 not being able to compile a
> 2.4 kernel properly and/or a Xen 3 2.6 kernel host not being
> able to run a 2.4 kernel, even if it is patched with the Xen hooks.
> It is/was possible under Xen 2.
> If you are running on a VT-enabled Intel or AMD chip, I
> believe it would be possible to run IPCop unmodified.
> I don't have a VT-enabled chip, so I am running my domains
> "paravirtualized", but I would love to be running IPCop as my
> firewall. Guess I may have to wait until I either get a
> VT-enabled chip or IPCop releases their next major release,
> which is supposed to run a 2.6 kernel :-)
Unfortunately my pc for this test seems doesn't have VT support (amd sempron
So...at this moment it seems that I don't have any chance to setup Ipcop on
xen 3
This is a problem because even if ipcop releases a 2.6 version...we have to
wait that many addons support that release..
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