RE: [Xen-users] xen and different ARCH
> Ah, the ssh idea is a good one! Have you tried doing anything along
> the lines of making the machine think it is an i386 instead
> of a 686? I
> do most of my builds for boxes that are 486 compatible (Soekris, ELan
> chips).
Thanks :) It came about as I started simply wrapping bash, but it kept
throwing up the occasional error which I didn't like much. I thought
of/stumbled into the SSH approach when I was looking at initscripts for some
reason or another.
Can't say I have. The target(s) are all 686 or above so I haven't needed to.
Just done a quick *man setarch* and the man page isn't very exhaustive, so
you may need to do some digging/experimenting to get it to realise different
subsets of the x86 architecture.
Good luck
Dan Hawker
Linux System Administrator
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