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Re: [Xen-users] Domain 0 crashed

No i use a notebook with intel Pentium M.

Le 30/08/06 a H:20, Marco Crociani - Tyrael a �crit:
>Are you on amd64?
>I updated debian and it stop to booting with xen.
>I tried to remove the old 2.6.16 kernel ad install the new 2.6.17 from
>unstable but nothing. It doesn't work.
>2006/8/30, Hoelig PICHARD <hoelig.pichard@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>I have just install Xen 3.0 on my Debian/Etch, and each time I boot
>>there is the same error message:
>>"Domain 0 crashed : rebooting in 5 seconds"
>>I can't read error message on boot because the font used is too big.
>>Any ideas ?
>>Xen-users mailing list
>Marco Crociani - Tyrael
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fin du message de Marco Crociani - Tyrael

Hoelig PICHARD <hoelig.pichard@xxxxxxxxxxx>

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