[Xen-users] Re: Disk images for server environment?
On Mon, Aug 14, 2006 at 05:39:21PM +1000, Devraj Mukherjee wrote:
> I am thinking about deploying Xen on one of our servers. Just wanted
> to ask if using disk images for the guest operating sysmtems (over LVM
> partions) is good enough. Does this effect disk/memory access/usage in
> anyway?
It slows down disk accesses by quite a bit, as the dom0 has to go through a
whole extra layer (the dom0 VFS layer) to get to your data. *Definitely*
not a good thing for production.
Didn't someone post some LVM vs disk image performance stats to either here
or xen-devel@ a while ago, or am I hallucinating? (I'm on the train, so no
google to confirm my suspicions).
- Matt
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