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Re: [Xen-users] Running OpenVz inside Xen

To: Ligesh <myself@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Running OpenVz inside Xen
From: "Henning Sprang" <henning_sprang@xxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 18:51:19 +0200
Cc: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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On 7/17/06, Ligesh <myself@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
  Let us say that I have a VT enabled Xen virtualization system with the 
ability to run
unmodified kernels. So can I run OpenVz inside one of the Guest Oses? Theoretically I 
can't > find a reason why OpenVz cannot run inside Xen, since Xen provides full 
virtualization of the > resources, but I just need to make sure.
You can make it sure by trying it out and letting us know if it works
:)  Sound interesting...

But remember that with HVM xen some other features that might be of
interest to you in a datacenter environment seem to be missing. I
remember that I read migrations aren't working with hvm, and maybe
other stuff - does anybody know of a comparison table of features
availble in xen with versus xen withut hvm?


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