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[Xen-users] Progress on Windows support ?

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-users] Progress on Windows support ?
From: Wayne Pascoe <xen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2006 15:04:31 +0100
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Hi all,

A while ago there was a thread here titled "Xen w/ IntelVT->Windows Success Report"

I am having a similar problem as this user was in point 6 (Installation hangs at "Setup is starting Windows").
I am running Fedora Core 5 with Xen 3.0.2 and the related kernels  
installed, and using the solution described here does not work for me.
I have an Intel P4D 930 CPU on an Asus motherboard, and
xm dmesg | grep VXMON
(XEN) VMXON is done
(XEN) VMXON is done

This seems correct as I have a dual core Intel CPU.

Can anyone advise anything else I could try to get Windows XP to work in this configuration?
I'm currently building Xen-unstable, but I'm hoping for a more  
straightforward solution than having to do my own build ?
Also, looking at the FC5 source RPM, it would appear that the version  
the Fedora team distribute as 3.0.2-3 is actually an unstable  
version. This seems odd because yum does not mention this, but the  
main source file in the source rpm is xen-unstable-10278.tar.bz2.  
Does anyone know if there is an RPM of Xen 3 stable  for Fedora Core  
5 anywhere?
Wayne Pascoe    (gpg --keyserver www.co.uk.pgp.net --recv-keys 79A7C870)
In general terms, having your collective dna stuck at the bottom of a
gravity well relying on the "stability" of a single biosphere is not a a
good long term policy.

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