Re: [Xen-users] Xen as alternative for openMosix? about clustering
On Tuesday 11 July 2006 10:49, Peter Vandersteegen wrote:
> Hi all,
> My problem: I have some desktop pc's on my work I would like to use as
> calculation nodes in a cluster.
> When I start a job on the central node, the cluster should be able to
> load balance these jobs.
> Has anybody ever used Xen for this purpose? What are the alternatives,
> besides Xen and OpenMosix?
> In our group we have used openMosix, but we seem to get more and more
> faults we can not solve. Development of openMosix also seems to have
> stopped.
> The idea for using XEN:
> Run several light weight OS on the central node. Log in to one of these
> light weight OS, start your process and let load balancing take care of
> the job?
> Has anybody already tried this? What are the pros and cons of this idea?
> regards
> Peter
Xen can only virtualize N logical systems over single phisical system ..
the resources of the phisical system are limited and no advantage can be taken
introducing the xen overhead (even if little) ...
openMosix makes you use N *phisical* system as a single logical system, the
cluster itself ... and tries to make this transparent to the userspace
these two concept are totally differents ...
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