Re: [Xen-users] Xen 3, LVM and FC4
Andrew McConnell wrote:
On 7/6/06, Andrew Ross <aross@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I assume you've created a filesystem on the LV and have drivers for said
fs compiled into your domU kernel.
I created an ext3 filesystem on the LV. Whether ext3 drivers are
compiled into the kernel is not something I can answer without some
assistance but based on the output below, it looks like it's trying to
use ext2 instead.
ext3 is simply ext2 with a journal, so ext3 volumes can be safely
mounted as ext2 - you simply loose the benefit of the journal while the
volume is mounted as ext2.
Warning: unable to open an initial console.
This generally means you're missing /dev/console , which makes sense,
since you have an empty filesystem.
I'm guessing this is probably normal since there is nothing on the
filesystem so it can't execute /sbin/init ???
Thanks for your help. Can you point me to some documentation that
will clarify the next steps? I feel like I'm not catching on to
something extremely important about this architecture...I was
expecting to be able to go through a normal OS install upon successful
creation of the new domain.
I don't really have any FC-specific experience, but my understanding is
for paravirtualized guests you need to boostrap an initial system from
dom0. For Gentoo domUs, the process is no different to a normal install,
but for Debian you usually use debootstrap, and for rpm-based distros
you can use rpmstrap.
You might want to try domi (http://dl.bytesex.org/cvs-snapshots/), which
is a shell script frontend for xen domU creation - it can easily create
xen domUs for a range of Linux distros.
Alternatively, I think the latest FC and SUSE setup programs support
installing into locations other than /, which is probably the closest
you'll get to a regular-style install.
Of course, with VMX (ie. unmodified) guests, I assume you simply boot
the virtual machine from a CD image and run the installer as usual a la
If you haven't already done so, check out the Xen Wiki
(http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/) - it contains howtos for a bunch of
different domU distributions.
Andrew Ross
IT Officer
Whitley College
Ph: (03) 9340 8008
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