My domU's runs in each their VLAN.
I'm revising my vif-vlan script.
I'd like to switch away from the ip="xyz", netmask="abc",
gateway="def" syntax in /etc/xen/blah and instead use the new
vif=['ip=,etc'] syntax.
I'm stumbling into a few shortcomings.
There's no netmask=abc, no gateway=abc, no broadcast=abc when using
the new syntax. I'll have to hardcode those depending on the IP. So
be it.
There's also no apparent way to read out the ip=abc value when inside
the domU - there's nothing relevant in /proc/cmdline, under /proc/xen,
or under /sys/devices/xen/vif-*.
How do I read out the values on the vif=[...] line from within each domU?
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