Re: [Xen-users] Kubuntu host running, guest win XP doesn't start
you should choose a way as close as possible to
I have played around a bit, almost everything that I changed from this Setup did
not work. (vnc/sdl works)
Thanks for your mail. I already knew this tutorial, but it gives info to
boot windows in a disk image. But OK, I tried it and got :
Error: Device 768 (vbd) could not be connected
losetup -d /dev/loopX
which doesn't work with X=0 or X=1, but running "losetup -f" before xm
create makes the error message disapear.
(and I tried to launch windows again while I forgot to destroy it first,
I got
Error: Device 768 (vbd) could not be connected.
File /var/lib/xen/images/windisk.img is loopback-mounted through /dev/loop0,
which is mounted in a guest domain,
and so cannot be mounted now.
so I guess there is no more loop problem)
Then I went to http://mccune.ece.cmu.edu/wordpress/?page_id=145 and
following his advice I tried to use an image for the cdrom:
dd if=/dev/hdc of=winxp_installer.iso
and put in the config file
This page suggests
modprobe loop
which also makes the error message disapear.
But I still get
# xm list
Name ID Mem(MiB) VCPUs State Time(s)
Domain-0 0 1024 2 r----- 68.3
winxp 1 512 1 -b---- 0.0
I have a few lines (probably one per attempt at xm create) in
xenstore-read: couldn't read path backend/vbd/42/768/node
whrere 42 is acutally betxeen 1 and 6.
I'd like to be able to run windows from a hard disk partition, so that I
can sometimes boot windows natively and use the whole ram. I've spent
much time, if there is no more idea, I'm now considering giving up.
Jean-Baptiste Rouquier
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