[Xen-users] Re: Mixed DomU Architectures
On Thu, Jun 01, 2006 at 01:06:25PM -0400, Yura Pismerov wrote:
> How about building a chroot'ed 32bit tree within a domU ?
> At least this is what I do in Debian for installing and running 32bit
> packages from within 64bit environment.
The problem, as I understand the OP, is that the software being built checks
(something like) uname -m to see if it's building on a real 32-bit x86
machine. This info comes directly from the kernel rather than through the
userland, so it reports itself as 64-bit even though it's running in a
32-bit userland.
A separate-but-related discussion is the (lack of) wisdom of asking the
kernel what architecture to build for, rather than (eg) gcc, because of (a)
this problem, and (b) the complete lack ability to support
cross-compilation. But, if it's good enough for Xen, it's good enough for
the rest of us.
- Matt
(who has had to work around this very brain-damage building in 32 bit chroots)
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