Re: [Xen-users] XEN+CLVM+GFS
Gémes Géza wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm in the process of planing a SAN based 2 Dom0 redundant solution.
> Haven't got the equipment yet to do any testing.
> What I would like to achieve:
> Have a set of failover DomU-s. Normally Dom0_0 would run DomU_0,
> DomU_2,... Dom0_1 would run DomU_1, DomU_3,... this domains need access
> to some data, which could be common for some of them (e.g a webserver
> and a fileserver). If I keep that data on the SAN on a clvm lv formated
> as gfs I can access it from one DomU of each Dom0s so two DomUs in total
> (or will Xen allow me to export a lv as a partition to more than one
> DomU). This is more a problem in the failover case, when all DomUs are
> runing on one Dom0.
> I would like any idea on this,
> Thanks in advance.
> Geza
You can configure the devices with "w!" instead of "w" if you want to
use the same backend in multiple domUs.
Christopher G. Stach II
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