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Re: [Xen-users] Xen domU stalling during boot

At 07:01 PM 3/24/2006, you wrote:
on it. The problem I am having is I booted it up and it sits right here:
INIT: Id "6" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
INIT: no more processes left in this runlevel

And it all started when it ran cron. Anyone run into this? Any idea what
it could be?
It looks like your vtty's aren't setup and working 
properly.  Probably something to do with /dev/vtty1 not having been 
created.  It could be that something is botched in etch though.  What 
happens when you run a non-Xen kernel?  Can you gzip a log (you might 
have to get it from serial console) of the boot-up and send it if you 
can't get this resolved?  There's probably a more significant error 
message about /dev somewhere.  In the past this would have cause 
Linux to fork-bomb and you'd have no clue what happend, at least it's 
playing nice. 

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