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[Xen-users] eth0 not brought up automatically

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-users] eth0 not brought up automatically
From: Haavard Bjerke <havard.bjerke@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 10:58:56 +0100
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When I boot domU, eth0 exists, but it is not up. Ie. I have to configure it manually, even though I have configured all the parameters in the domU config file:
gateway = "128.x.x.1"
vif = ['ip=128.x.x.100, mac=00:16:3E:00:00:11, bridge=xenbr0']
ip = "128.x.x.100"
hostname = "myhost"

If I look at the command line for domU ('cat /proc/cmdline') it contains 'ip=[...]:eth0:off'. Is it supposed to say 'eth0:on'?

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