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Re: [Xen-users] Kernel and Xen

Hi Mats,

thanks for the reply.

On 2 Mar 2006, at 13:55, Petersson, Mats wrote:
At some point after 2.6.12 the Xen "architecture" was converted into a
x86 subarch, so you would just need to set the "subarchitecture" to Xen
inside your menuconfig.
Ah, Ok.

So what you need to do is:

'make menuconfig'
Select processor type and features
Now select "Xen compatible kernel".
Save config file.
'make clean bzImage'
'make modules'
When I "make menuconfig" I can't see any mention of Xen in the  
"Processor type and features" section or any of the sections below  
there. In fact I'm fairly sure I looked through every branch of the  
menus. Could you be more specific please and describe exactly where  
it is in case I missed it?
And of course whatever other steps you have to perform to make
everything work out (such as mkinitrd, make install, make
install-modules [which I never get right, because I'm not sure if it's
install-modules, install_modules, modules_install or ...], etc, etc).
Same here. :)



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