[Xen-users] Re: Automate actions
Lars Roland wrote:
> So to my question: is there some way to program the actions (i.e.
> mouse clicks/keyboard strokes) inside the guest OS ? this way we could
> just fire up a Windows guest for each submission and have it
> completely automated.
There's at least a couple of solutions out there that are able to
match graphical patterns and perform automated mouse {moves,clicks}
and keyboard interaction over a VNC connection.
One of them is Eggplant:
It has a scripting language where you can tell it how to react to
various graphical situations, which GUI controls to manipulate, how
long it should wait for various events to occur, etc.
I haven't tried VT + Xen, so I'm unsure whether a Windows guest will
be accessible via VNC as is the case for non-VT graphical Xen guests.
The non-VT case uses a frontend device which acts as a 8514 graphics
adapter, I think. This probably works with VT too? I guess if it
doesn't, you can always install an actual Windows VNC server inside
your guest and be done with it ;-).
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