RE: [Xen-users] What hardware should I be considering?
Xen 3 with PAE or in 64-bit mode will allow you to use >
4GB RAM (2 ^ 36 = 16 GB in PAE and 2 ^ 40 = 1024 GB of physical memory in 64-bit
It will use Dual core processors just fine - Xen 3 supports
a fairly large number of processors, I think someone was trying out a 64 CPU
machine a few months back.
I don't know much about SATA vs. SCSI RAID, I'm using SATA
in a single disk mode on one of my machines here and it works just fine - but
that's just a single disk and just "happens" to be SATA because that's the disk
the machine came with - not by my choice, just what it happened to have.
Certainly a lot cheaper to use SATA or IDE disks if you want lots of space
As to file/LVM, it does depend a lot on what your target
would be and how often for instance you need to resize your
I'm looking at using Xen to host our client's servers and I was
trying to determine how Xen would scale and how many machines I should expect
to be able to run.
I am currently running Xen 3 on a FC4 test box and
have a couple of test machines running. I really like it so far and after some
stress testing we're going to invest in some more advanced
What processors would you recommend? I was thinking of
dual core opterons, but I wasn't sure if Xen would work well on Opterons and
take advantage of the Dual core processor.
Does Xen 3 still suffer from
a 4GB RAM limit?
Has anyone had any experience with the newer SATA
solutions versus SCSI disk? I'm thinking of a SATA RAID 5 setup to save
some cash and gain some needed space.
What seems to work better,
running from an image file or setting up each host to use a partition? I like
the simplicity of an image file, but an lvm partition would be nice because
you can resize them on the
Thanks, Eric
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