Re: [Xen-users] Building Xen Linux on SuSE 9.3
Nick Couchman wrote:
I've seen the other messages in the list about this, but haven't seen any
solutions. Could someone please tell me how in the world I am supposed to fix
this error? I'm using the most recent Xen packages for SuSE 9.3 (Xen
I am not certain that this is your problem but are you
aware that to build a xen kernel from the SuSE sources you need
_two_ pieces, two source RPM's.
Don't use the sources from the kernel-source- package.
You can use them to build a 'kernel-default' but not a 'kernel-xen'
do a 'rpm -i' for both the RPM's then look at the files
installed under /usr/src/packages . The order is important,
install the .src.rpm file first, then the .nosrc.rpm file.
The .nosrc.rpm overwrites/overlays on top of the first source
tree to give you a source tree suitable for building a Xen
You will find a spec file installed under
Run rpmbuild using this spec file and this will build you a
xenified kernel binary RPM.
If you want to customise the kernel, you can unpack the sources
(tar files in /usr/src/packages/SOURCES), modify them, repackage
them as tar files, bump the version number in the spec file and
run rpmbuild again.
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