Re: [Xen-users] xen 3.0 routing
Il giorno ven, 09/12/2005 alle 13.00 +0100, Paolo Negri ha scritto:
> Hi there
> I would like to know if there is somwhere in the web a good howto on
> routing and network configuration for XEN v 3.0
> I successfully installed a XEN 3.0 domain0, with a single domainU.
> Network doesn't work at all. At the moment i can't ping from the
> domain0 any host of my LAN and obviously i can't reach the domain0
> from any of my host in LAN.
> Thanks for any help.
> These are the output of the ifconfig command and of route -n command.
I've the same problem
Davide Corio davide.corio@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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