[Xen-users] 403 Forbidden
I my office i have runnig xen 2.0.7 with many domains. It works
allway fine.
Now, I have installed sucessfuly xen 2.0.7 on an other pc.
(P4, !,5Gb Ram) For quickly installation I have copyied two domains
from my office-xen-server to the new xen-server. After changing the
ip's, i started the new xen-server.
It stated, the domains are started and all rung fine. It is a
DNS-Server and a Mail-Server. The dns resolve the names, the
mailserver fetches the mails. An internet connection ist allway ok.
But wenn i take aptitute, or apt-get, or wget (its all the same) i
get a error 403 Forbidden.
Whats that? Where is my mistake? what can i do?
Grüße - regards
Roland Kruggel, Germany, IT-Security Coordinator
tel.: 02352 277348 mobil: 0176 23198511
ICQ: 176-788-939 VoIP ß2352 207333
www: http://www.bbf7.de
Project: http://jana.bbf7.de
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