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Re: [Xen-users] centos guest domain?

To: Kent Watsen <kent@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] centos guest domain?
From: Steven Ellis <mail_lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 02 Oct 2005 17:18:59 +1300
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Kent Watsen wrote:

Steven Ellis wrote:

I've been running Centos 4.1 on top of Xen using the provided 2.6 kernel that comes with 2.0.7. Works just fine with Centos4.1 and RHEL4U1.
Which version of Xen are you trying.

Oh, this sounds very encouraging - I'm using the xen that comes with SuSE 9.3, which contains the following xen-related rpms:

As you probably already know, CentOS 4.1's kernel's version is 2.6.9-11...
For fun, I tried to boot CentOS as a guest domain using the same 
config file I used for my SuSE-based guest domain before I moved it 
into LVM (I have a 2nd drive I'm using just for staging guest domains):
   kernel = "/boot/vmlinuz-xen"
   ramdisk = "/boot/initrd-xen"
   memory = 256
   name = "CentOS"
   vif = [ 'mac=aa:cc:00:00:00:63, bridge=xen-br0' ]
   disk = [ 'phy:hdb1,hdb1,w', 'phy:hdb2,hdb2,w' ]
   hostname= "centos"
   root = "/dev/hdb1 ro"
   extra = "3"

But launching the guest domain this way led to a kernel panic.

Could you be more specific regarding how you used the "provided 2.6 kernel" - did you copy a file into the guest's filesystem? - which file did you copy?

1. You need to copy the modules for the DomU kernel into the guest filesystem.
2. You probably need an initrd for the guest otherwise it will panic.

3. I'd personally advise using the DomU kernel that comes with the 2.0.7 tar ball as it is closer to the RH released kernel.

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