Re: [Xen-users] Newbie: How to run Xwindows in the guest OS
On Thu, 2005-09-22 at 06:15 +0000, Srinivasan S wrote:
> Hi
> I got Fedora Core 4 to boot via the Xen kernel. Then I configured the
> guest os config files as recommended in the examples on teh Xen
> documentation. Then tried loading Ubuntu via the guest OS. Ubuntu
> boots and stops at login prompt and I am able to login to tty1. I
> tried with Suse 10 and same result (run level in both configs was set
> to 5)
> Question: How do I get X to run in the guest operating systems ie.
> Suse or Ubuntu ?
> System: P4/512MB RAM/256 is used by Xen on FC4 and the balance is for
> the guest OS
I do not believe you can run an XConsole directly. When we have needed
an XConsole, we have installed VNCServer on the domU and accessed
graphical applications that way. However, I would assume you can find a
way to run a terminal based installation or, better yet, drop down a
preconfigured file system and simply edit the pertinent files (since the
device drivers are all virtualized). Hope this helps - John
PS - I am also pretty new so someone else may have much better ideas :-)
John A. Sullivan III
Open Source Development Corporation
+1 207-985-7880
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