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[Xen-users] Xen packages availible for Ubuntu and Debian

To: ubuntu-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-users] Xen packages availible for Ubuntu and Debian
From: ed despard <despareg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 13:03:57 -0400
Cc: Fabio Massimo Di Nitto <fabbione@xxxxxxxxxx>, xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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I would like to announce the availability of packages of xen stable, and unstable for both Ubuntu and Debian. (for those who already saw the previous announcement on the xen-users list, see below for package changes)
The stable packages are from the most recent stable release, 2.0.7, 
while the unstable packages are from a recent nightly snapshot.  
Included are all the packages you will need to have a fully functional 
Xen installation.  This includes kernel packages built with the default 
Xen configurations, and also kernel patches that facilitate building 
kernels that more closely match your existing kernel configuration.  
The kernel packages also include a configuration system that will 
determine (or if your priority is set to medium ask you) the necessary 
xen root device, and domain 0 memory allocations.  For more info on 
this system, see the man page for the included update-grub-xen, and the 
/etc/xenkernels.conf file.  Especially of interest to many is the 
--default option to update-grub-xen, which will take steps to write the 
xen entries as the default in your grub configuration file.
These packages are available at mirror.clarkson.edu, by adding the 
appropriate lines to your sources file, and then installing the xen 
package, and optionally the appropriate kernel patch package.
xen-stable main
xen-unstable main
xen-stable main
xen-unstable main

-- edward despard

Future goals with these packages:
        consolidate xenu and xen0 kernel packages into single xen configuration
make update-grub-xen script more robust, ie add better initrd detection to it?
        autobuild unstable packages nightly

Changes from packages previously announced on xen-users:
        fixed python dependencies errors
        removed bashisms from update-grub-xen script
        added kernel patch packages
fixed bug in kernel config scripts when priority was set to high (bad assumptions on my part)

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