> In theory, could we run MacOsX on a Xen kernel, as MacOS is a BSD
> dervied kernel? am I right in thinking that we could get Darwin
> running on the Xen, then MacOSx properitory stuff in userland on
> top???
If somebody ported Darwin to run on Xen then yes this would work. Apple does
stick *some* proprietary code in the Darwin kernel shipped with MacOS but you
can also run MacOS on a fully open source Darwin without major issues.
Don't know if anyone will want to do this on PPC, since Apple are moving to
Intel. For Intel, either a port of Darwin (which one could work on now) *or*
a fully virtualised MacOS VM on Vanderpool / Pacifica hardware should be
possible (depending on what technical / licensing measures Apple use to
restrict the use of OSX86).
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