Re: [Xen-users] Xen Hardware Compatability List
> After a weekend of compiling and recompiling Dom0 kernels, I've
> finally decided that Xen simply isn't compatablie with SATA and USB on
> my Foxconn nVidia nForce4 MB (works fine with non-xen kernels). I'm
> going to return it and get something else, but can anyone either:
Those things *should* work...
> a) Point me to the Xen Hardware Compatability List (if it exists)
There isn't one currently. I guess a blacklist of hardware with issues might
be good to have - maybe on the wiki?
What version of Xen are you using, by the way? Xen 3.0 should support
basically any (relatively modern) hardware that Linux supports. It includes
some advances over Xen 2.0 in this respect.
You may want to try the unstable tree (although that's in quite a bit of flux
right now) and see if that's happier with your h/w - if it works then it
means Xen 3.0 will work. If it doesn't work then things need fixing, either
in Xen or in the device drives.
> b) Reply with the make/model of you chipset/MB and video card if you
> have the following things working under Xen.
> 1) SATA HD
> 2) PATA HD (some driver that supports DMA, not the generic one. test
> with `hdpram -t`. You shoud get 60+ MBPS with a newer drive.)
> 3) USB and/or 1394 mass-storage (My USB device is detected under Xen,
> but the SCSI emulation never kicks in to make /dev/sr0 or /dev/sda a
> valid block device)
> 4) Ethernet (Forcedeth works great under Xen. I want to make sure my
> new on-board ethernet does too).
> 5) X (Preferablly with an accelerated driver, but VESA will do.)
> Assuming there isn't a HCL that I've missed, I'd be glad to compiled
> one and post it if people would be so kind as to reply.
> Thanks
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