Re: [Xen-users] how to switch domains in ssh terminal?
Yep... had gone the ssh route to domain1 and that worked fine. My main
problem was the domain0 terminal that I had "stuck" in domain1 because I
didn't know how to get back out of it w/o shutdown of domain1. You told
me exactly what I needed to know. I dug and dug in the documentation
but never found that.
Daniel Hulme wrote:
Hi there-
I've set up a Fedora4 xen domain0, and a Fedora4 domain1. The
physical host is in a remote location. How do I switch domains on a
remote connection (via ssh)?
You don't 'switch' domains, you are always connected to the domain you
ssh'ed into. If you want to get at domain 1 from dom0, use
xm console <name>
where <name> is the name of the domain you want (you can find it with xm
list). This gets you console of the domain. Sending ^] (ctrl-]) gets you
out of the console. For security reasons, you can get at user domains
from dom0 like this, but not vice-versa.
The other option is to ssh into the IP address you gave to domain 1
instead of to the IP address of dom0. Obviously this will only work if
you configured the domain to have a network interface and if it is
running sshd.
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