Re: [Xen-users] Question :"make world"
Sascha Retzki wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 08, 2005 at 04:16:50PM +0800, tgh wrote:
>> but when I try to "make world" by following the tutorial on line,
>>ERROR arise as follows:
>>/xen/xen-2.0/xen/include/asm/processor.h:175: ??????????????????????????
> You hand-copied that and filled in "?" where you didn't know whats going
> on? I never saw software outputing such things, not even GNU :-)
Naaah, it was in chinese. I got it OK in my UTF-8 mailclient ;-)
Anyway, TGH, you apparently decided to spam the mailing list with every
single problem you have with XEN... Hrm, OK.
But if you want a useful answer to this one you'll need to set your
locales to something else than chinese. Run this in your bash prompt and
then do make world once again:
eval `env | awk -F= '/^LC_/||/^LANG/{printf("unset %s", $1);}'`
Michal Ludvig
* Personal homepage: http://www.logix.cz/michal
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