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[Xen-users] Problems with serial on Xen 3.0 snapshot?

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-users] Problems with serial on Xen 3.0 snapshot?
From: Nate Carlson <natecars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 09:53:01 -0500 (CDT)
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Hey all,

I'm running Xen pre-3.0 from FC4, rebuilt on a Debian system. (I needed support for 2.6.12 kernels, which they include, and I haven't been able to get anywhere else).
If I specify com1=<stuff> as a boot parameter for Xen, I am unable to 
access the serial port under Linux; in syslog, I get:
[    1.796999] WARNING: Failed to register Xen virtual console driver as 'ttyS0'

and if I try to read/write from ttyS0 I get I/O errors. I also get the above error if I remove com1=<stuff> from the Grub command line, but then the serial port works fine.
Any ideas? Is this something fixed in a more recent snapshot of 3.0? If 
so, anyone got patches to let me use a 2.6.12 kernel with recent 3.0? (I 
need 2.6.12 for a recent version of GFS.)

| nate carlson | natecars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | http://www.natecarlson.com |
|       depriving some poor village of its idiot since 1981            |

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