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Re: [Xen-users] Restarting xend - how?

To: Jeff Noxon <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Restarting xend - how?
From: Anthony Liguori <aliguori@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 16:07:47 -0500
Cc: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Jeff Noxon wrote:

I have just discovered that if I remove /var/lib/xend-db/*, xend can be
started again.  I also removed a lockfile.

However, I have only had limited success manipulating domains at that
point.  'xm shutdown' did not work, but destroy did, sort-of.  The domain
lingers around forever with 0 memory allocated to it.  When I start up
my domains again, I get something like this:
What you're seeing is a well-known problem. Xend can corrupt its own saved state and can not handle recovering that state. If it's going to keep doing this, it's going to need some sort of read log to prevent this from happening in the future.
Blowing away that state will allow Xend to restart but alot of that 
information is needed (since it contains what devices are attached to 
the domain).
If Xend does not know what devices are attached, it doesn't know what to 
remove on destroy.  The hypervisor won't let a domain completely go away 
until all of it's resources are removed and this leads to the "zombie" 
domains that you're seeing.
Xend is being refactored heavily and a new device database is being 
implemented which should eliminate a lot of these problems.  However, 
this is all a work in progress and there isn't all that much that you 
can do right now to prevent this.
VM-Tools is a bit more reliable but has less features (and has some 
issues with the latest unstable).  A new version is going to be released 
VM-Tools targets both 2.0 and 3.0 whereas the new Xend code so far is 
going to require 3.0.

Anthony Liguori

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