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[Xen-users] xend (python) won't respond and taking all cpu

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-users] xend (python) won't respond and taking all cpu
From: Jeb Campbell <jebc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 13 May 2005 14:33:19 -0500
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I'm running xen on gentoo (and I love it).
Installed is twisted-1.3.0, logging-, and python-2.3.5 (let me know if I need to list anything else).
I never use the console -- all access is through ssh.
I searched and saw the posts about xend crashing if your console gets about 2M of binary data catted to it, but again I use ssh only.
Every so often "python" (xend) starts taking up as much cpu as it can 
get (and there are no errors in the logs).  "xend stop" and "xend start" 
does not fix the problem -- a reboot is required.
If anyone else is having this problem and/or has a solution, I would 
love to hear about it.
Jeb Campbell

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