RE: [Xen-users] problem with libimagick
> Hello,
> I'am running Xen-2.0 ,linux on a single dual-core
> Xeon One domain per core.
> I have compiled the kernels myself (.config attached) All ok,
> but one of my customer made a script that make my domain die
> (!!!)
> It has something to do with the resizing function of
> libimagick i have made a sample script:
If you have a xen console connected to the domain, do you see an oops
Also, it would be good if you could build xen with debug=y (edit
xen/Rules.mk then make clean)
After the domain crash do 'xm dmesg' to see if there's been any output.
> <?php
> $img = imagick_readimage("test.jpg");
> imagick_convert($img,"PNG") ;
> imagick_resize($img,30,60,IMAGICK_FILTER_UNKNOWN,0);
> imagick_writeimage($img,"test.png");
> ?>
> The images can even not exists ,the script crash the machine
> everytime A strange thing is that it only happens on
> low-privileged users, root can run the script without
> problem, others no.
> Thanks for help
> --
> Roberto De Ioris
> root@ThePackardtImaging
> my public key on:
> http://keyserver.it:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x4A70D348
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