Re: [Xen-users] Xen and IP
Shahzad Chohan wrote:
I've got fedora core 4 running in a domain. I configured the IP, but
it didn't seem to work. Basically the fc4 is confiured to use dhcp,
but I wrote the ip in teh rawhide config file. Instead of using teh ip
from the config file it picked up a dhcp assigned ip. Am I missing
something fundamental? Can someone please advise me
My config file is like this: (/etc/xen/rawhide)
kernel ="/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.11-1.1226_FC4xenU"
memory = 100
name = "rhel-4-ws"
nics = 1
disk = ['phy:hda7,hda7,w']
root = "/dev/hda7 ro"
#dhcp = "dhcp"
vip = ""
I wasn't aware vip was a valid parameter?
You do need to provide a MAC address that the virtual interface
on domU can use, and the associated bridge interface on dom0).
vif= [ 'mac=aa:00:00:00:00:11, bridge=xen-br0' ]
The easiest way to configure the IP address of the domU
interface is by editing the normal interface configuration file
(such as /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, if the
device name you want to use is eth0).
Make sure you have mounted and are editing the domU
filesystem :).
You can, of course, always manually bring up the
interface once the domain is created.
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