RE: [Xen-ia64-devel] xen-ia64-unstable.hg now up to date. Pleasepull/tes
Great, and thanks Dan for pulling extra time to bring it up. We've
verified all CONFIG_VTI patches already in. Due to some common interface
change, CONFIG_VTI can't pass compilation now. We'll work out a patch
>-----Original Message-----
>From: xen-ia64-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>[mailto:xen-ia64-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
>Magenheimer, Dan (HP Labs Fort Collins)
>Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2005 11:25 PM
>To: xen-ia64-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [Xen-ia64-devel] xen-ia64-unstable.hg now up to date.
>Well, it turned out to be painful and time-consuming
>(eliminating plans I had to take some vacation time,
>not to mention working all Friday evening and Saturday
>morning :-( but I think I finally got xen-ia64-unstable.hg
>caught up with xen-unstable.hg and all the pending patches.
>Please pull and verify (especially with CONFIG_VTI):
>After verification, we will try the first hg push
>into the public xen-unstable.hg tree.
>A couple of caveats:
>1) The core team has not pushed a fix for the new
> sedf scheduler "idle" problem, nor have they rolled
> back to bvt. If you see an apparent "freeze" early
> in the boot of domain0, you are seeing the sedf
> problem. The best workaround for now is to put
> "sched=bvt" in the xen command line in your elilo.conf file.
>2) Recent core changes changed the xenlinux API.
> If you are running xenlinux-ia64-2.6.12, make sure
> you pull the latest and rebuild**
> The older 2.6.11 bk tree will fail with a BUG about
> ctrl_if.h (I think). If you absolutely need 2.6.11,
> let me know and I will look into a patch for it.
>** Note on rebuilding xenlinux-2.6.12: I haven't figured
>out how to get a symbolic link to "stick" in hg yet.
>Until I do (or fix the Makefile), if you pull a
>fresh copy, you will need to:
>cd xenlinux-ia64-2.6.12.hg # or whatever you name it
>cd include/asm-xen
>ln -s asm-ia64 asm
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