Re: [Xen-devel] Re: Question about EPT translation
On Sun, 2011-05-29 at 22:49 +0100, Daniel Castro wrote:
> Hello,
> Next time I will only replay through the list. CC the list
> 2011/5/29 henanwxr <henanwxr@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> > Hi Daniel, I have post my questions on xen-devel but nobody reply. So I turn
> > to you for help.
I also received private mail from this poster with pretty much identical
content. I replied privately at length on the inappropriateness of this
sort of behaviour but just to be extra clear: henanwxr -- it is not ever
appropriate to scatter-shot private mails to people when you do not get
an immediate reply to a list posting.
I recommend that people who receive such emails either ignore them or
ask them to be reposted on the list before replying, so as not to
encourage this way of thinking.
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