Re: [Xen-devel] Fwd: HELP required with some ideas
On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 06:17:06PM +0530, grapgroup grapgroup wrote:
> Hi,
> We are a group of four students studying in an undergraduate college.
> We are new to XEN and we would like to contribute to the development of
> XEN through our college final year project.
> We have gone through a few research papers and have shortlisted a few
> ideas out of which we are going to finalize the project.
> As we are beginners we would be very grateful if you could guide us in
> any of the following ways :
Could you send the links the papers you mention?
Some comments below..
> 1) telling us if the idea is already implemented in
> 2) if the idea is implemented then suggesting any modifications which can
> be done in it. OR
> 3) telling the feasibility of the idea.
> We would be very thankful if you could guide us in any way.
> We would also like to think on any ideas suggested by you.
> Regards,
> Rohan Malpani
> Ammar Ekbote
> Paresh Nakhe
> Gaurav Jain
> *******************************IDEAS*****************************
> 1) Disk I/O scheduling on virtual machines
> Scheduling algorithms for native OS are designed keeping in mind the
> latency characteristics of the disk. In virtual environment, a
> VM will have a virtual disk which is physical space on the physical disk.
> Therefore, the same algorithms do not work well on virtual
> machines. There is a need of new scheduling algorithms for VMs which will
> take into account the type of workload and perform schduling in
> such a way so as to increase the preformance. The paper we referred
> suggested using two level scheduling, one at the VM level and other at
> the hypervisor level.
Have you guys looked at projects like dm-ioband ?
> 2) Network Interface Virtualization
> There is a particular mechanism in XEN called 'Page grant mechanism'
> to achieve network interface virtualization. In this
> mechanism there is considerable s/w overhead as for each I/O, access to
> certain guest pages(I/O buffer) is granted to driver domain and is
> immediately revoked as soon as the i/o is complete. Current mechanism is
> said to be giving a performance 2.9 Gb/s on 10 Gb/s line. The paper
> we referred suggested a mechanism where this s/w overhead can be reduced
> to a great extent.
> First is implementation of multi-queue NIC support for the driver domain
> model in Xen and other is grant reuse mechanism based on
> software I/O address translation table. In this,once the access to guest
> pages is granted it is reused for multiple i/o transactions.
Some of this stuff is done in the xen 'netchannel2' development.
I think there are multiple presentations about possible xen network
improvements available from XenSummit slides.
> 3) Asymmetry aware hypervisor
> Experiments show that asymmetric multi-core processors are more
> efficient than the SMP. Idea is to deliver better performance
> per watt and per area. The paper suggests that each VM running on the
> hypervisor has some number of fast vCPUs and some number of slow
> vCPUs. Each task is identified for its type and accordingly sent to fast
> or slow vCPU. CPU intensive applications are scheduled on fast
> vCPUs and memory intensive applications are scheduled on slow vCPUs. These
> vCPUs are mapped to the corresponding type of physical
> core. Hypervisor needs to modified to become asymmetry aware. The goals of
> such a hypervisor are
> 1.fair sharing of fast cores among all vCPUs in the system;
> 2.support for "asymmetry aware" guests;
> 3.a mechanism for controlling priority of VMs in using fast cores;
> 4.a mechanism ensuring that fast cores never go idle before slow cores
Hmm.. do you mean NUMA aware hypervisor/VMs, or something else?
-- Pasi
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