Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH]: xl: use libuuid to generate random UUID's
On Thursday 05 August 2010 11:19:18 Vincent Hanquez wrote:
> On 05/08/10 03:19, Ian Pratt wrote:
> >> Link to libuuid in xl et al and bring in the header file. Use libuuid to
> >> generate UUID's which are actually UU and not merely pseudo-random :)
> >>
> >> As a side-effect I have also used libuuid to generate more random MAC
> >> addresses rather than keeping the old code and simply xoring getpid() in
> >> to the PRNG seed.
> >
I want to mention that Linux and NetBSD's uuid are different.
While on Linux you link against -luuid on NetBSD uuid is part of libc.
NetBSD implements DCE 1.1
Linux implements a different standard (I don't know which one) where
the API is different.
Please have a look at tools/blktap2/include/blk_uuid.h
and tools/blktap2/drivers/Makefile
how to deal with both variants in a portable way.
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