Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH 1/1] Xen ARINC 653 Scheduler (updated to add sup
On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 4:04 PM, Kathy Hadley
<Kathy.Hadley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> +/**************************************************************************
> + * Global data *
> +
> **************************************************************************/
> +static arinc653_sched_private_t arinc653_schedule;
> + /* Allocate memory for ARINC 653 scheduler data structure */
> + prv = &arinc653_schedule;
You didn't actually allocate memory, you just used the static
structure. The point of cpupools is to allow multiple instances of a
scheduler to coexist -- if people create two pools, both using the
ARINC scheduler, there will be problems with this. Is there any
reason not to actually call xmalloc() (as is done in
sched_credit.c:csched_init())? (Perhaps this is a missed FIXME or a
Some of the notices in headers seems a little excessive; if
sched_arinc653.c credits Dornerworks, surely people can infer who
added the control structure in xen/include/public/sysctl.h, and added
a link to it in scheduler.c?
Not NACK-worthy, but: In struct arin..._sched_private_s, the element
"arinc653_schedule" should probably be named something a bit more
descriptive. Similarly, having arinc653 in ..._major_frame seems a
bit redundant, and inconsistent with naming for the other elements.
Looks fine to me otherwise. (I haven't reviewed the algorithm itself.)
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