First, I create a new HVM via virtual manager or using
“xm new” according to a config file.
Second, I log in this VM, and do something like
calculating MD5 or using dd to create a file.
Thied, I use xm top to see the I/O information of this
guest, and it always show 0 as below
VBD BlkBack 768 [ 3: 0]
OO: 0
RD: 0
WR: 0
I also tried to use ping in VM(EX : ping ), and use xm network-list to
monitor it.
The result is shown as below, and the information is
not correct, either.
[root@localhost ~]# xm network-list vm1
Idx BE MAC Addr. handle state
evt-ch tx-/rx-ring-ref
0 0 00:16:36:63:d4:d3
0 1 -1
-1 /-1 /local/domain/0/bac
Any config I forget to setup?