On Thu, Jan 07, 2010 at 08:05:02PM +0800, fanliang wrote:
> Hi,all:
> I got warning messages as this : WARNING: "xen_multi_update_va_mapping"
> [drivers/xen/blktap2/blktap.ko] undefined! when I tried to build the
> blktap2 module. I can see that in linux-2.6.27 lots of changes in file
> arch/i386/mm/hypervisor.c, but "xen_multi_update_va_mapping " is not used
> in the blktap2 module. I don't know why this warning appeared. Can any
> body help me?
> And if I insert the module blktap.ko that I build out, the system told
> me "insmod: error inserting 'blktap.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module
> " . It made me creazy . Kind if you can give me any suggestion.
What kernel exactly are you using?
-- Pasi
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