RE: [Xen-devel] bug in windows "on_reboot = 'preserve'"
> James Harper writes ("[Xen-devel] bug in windows "on_reboot =
> > Prior to 3.4.x (I think), when I said "on_reboot = 'preserve'" in
> > config, vnc would show me a windows BSOD just fine. For 3.4.1, I
> > get a garbed screen.
> >
> > Any suggestions as to what changed?
> As Keir says, 3.4's qemu-dm is based on a substantially later upstream
> version of qemu. However the video code is much less significantly
> changed and it might actually be possible to debug it.
> I'll see if I can reproduce the problem. How do I get my Windows
> guest to BSOD ? :-)
With GPLPV, I added a sysrq handler such that 'B' causes an immediate
bug check. If you have a windows system that you are happy to destroy,
something like deleting a critical driver might do the trick, unless
Windows detects it and puts it back again. Deleting a critical
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\xxx service key might also work -
if you delete the key for a boot time driver you'll get an 0x7B bug
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