[Xen-devel] Re: merge conflict in pv_ops dom0 git tree in include/linux/
On 10/16/09 01:48, Pasi Kärkkäinen wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm not very good with git, so this could my own mistake..
> basicly I've just cloned the git tree, built the kernel once, and now I'm
> trying to update the tree:
> I haven't done any local changes..
> [root@f12test linux-2.6-xen]# git pull
> remote: Counting objects: 48523, done.
> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (10338/10338), done.
> remote: Total 39429 (delta 30433), reused 37173 (delta 28460)
> Receiving objects: 100% (39429/39429), 15.89 MiB | 9964 KiB/s, done.
> Resolving deltas: 100% (30433/30433), completed with 3659 local objects.
> From git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/jeremy/xen
> * [new branch] mainline/x86-paravirt-fix ->
> origin/mainline/x86-paravirt-fix
> * [new branch] xen/dom0/pciback -> origin/xen/dom0/pciback
> + e8707a3...2afad35 xen/master -> origin/xen/master (forced update)
> + 9c77bbc...bc7382e xen/netchannel2 -> origin/xen/netchannel2 (forced
> update)
> * [new branch] xen/next -> origin/xen/next
> * [new branch] xen/pvhvm -> origin/xen/pvhvm
> + 24d1665...907d20f xen/vsyscall -> origin/xen/vsyscall (forced update)
> Auto-merging arch/x86/include/asm/vsyscall.h
> Auto-merging arch/x86/kernel/hpet.c
> Auto-merging arch/x86/kernel/pvclock.c
> CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in arch/x86/kernel/pvclock.c
> Auto-merging arch/x86/kernel/tsc.c
> Auto-merging arch/x86/xen/time.c
> Auto-merging drivers/xen/Kconfig
> Auto-merging include/linux/sched.h
> CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in include/linux/sched.h
> Auto-merging kernel/sched.c
> Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
> [root@f12test linux-2.6-xen]# git pull
> You are in the middle of a conflicted merge.
> [root@f12test linux-2.6-xen]#
> Any ideas?
I did some rewriting of the xen/master branch and it may have confused
your end. If you don't have any local changes, you can just do "git
reset --hard origin/xen/master" to reset your local xen/master branch to
be the same as mine.
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