Re: [Xen-devel] Re: [PATCH] ioemu: Fixes for build/install system
Christoph Egger writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] Re: [PATCH] ioemu: Fixes for
build/install system"):
> I attached a new version of xen_build_ioemu.diff which sets PREFIX
> to /usr if empty - the default prefix it uses now.
> Keir: Please apply attached xen_ioemu_prefix.diff to the xen tree.
> Both patches combined let xen-setup work in both modes:
> entangled in xen build system and separate as requested by
> Ian.
Then Xen part of this patch is fine and in any case needs to go in
first, I think. Most of the qemu patch is good too. I'm a bit iffy
about whether we should put this into 3.4 at this time, though.
But I had a question about this part:
> --- a/xen-setup-stubdom
> +++ b/xen-setup-stubdom
> -bindir = \${prefix}/\${LIBLEAFDIR}/xen/bin
> +bindir = \${LIBEXEC}
I think this stubdom stuff all refers to files as seen within the
stubdom process, not in the external filesystem ?
The installation of the actual stubdom executable (which is actually a
Xen PV guest kernel) is not controlled from the machinery run by
xen-setup-stubdom, is it ?
So shouldn't this be fixed at /usr ?
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