[Xen-devel] Re: [Xen-users] Cluster (VPC), Eucalyptus and preferred dist
Thiago Camargo Martins Cordeiro <thiagocmartinsc@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> The Eucalyptus is a system to build a cluster and provide a service such as
> Amazon EC2 on its own structure. It is very promising, flexible, stable and
> well documented.
Hm. that's good to hear. I plan on setting up a Eucalyptus cluster myself
> The team of Eucalyptus just created an Internet election to choose which
> distributions will be officialy supported by it.
> I would ask everyone for voting in Debian! Let me explain why.
Eh, personally I have been using CentOS/RHEL for a while (mostly because
that's what my consulting clients want, so I might as well get experience
that is relivant.)
Recently, though, I've moved prgmr.com to the Xen.org kernels, because
xen.org 3.3 is compellingly better, as far as I can tell, than the backported
RHEL 5.2 Xen 3.1/3.0.3 mess.
I've stuck with a CentOS userland, as the xen.org kernel is 2.6.18, just
like the CentOS 5 kernel, so it mostly works as a drop-in replacement.
Last time I did this with a distro that was expecting a more modern
kernel, I had to replace all sorts of utilities... from vmstat on up.
I do think that the 3.3 hypervisor is compellingly better than the 3.1/3.0.3
hypervisor that CentOS/RHEL and ec2 use, and it's backwards compatable, so
I don't see the point of hobbling yourself just 'cause amazon has done so.
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