RE: spinlock requests (was RE: [Xen-devel] [Patch] don't spin with irq d
> What try_readlock would that be? There is no such function.
Oops, my memory was faulty. It is read_lock() itself
that decrements the lock and then re-increments it.
This appeared to be causing the race. When I added
debug code, the problem went away (which was what led
me to the "hack" working version).
> I wonder if you should just use rw_is_locked().
IIRC, this doesn't do the job.
When I have a chance and a spare test machine, I'll
try to reproduce/reconfirm the problem.
But in any case I'd still like to see an asm version of
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Keir Fraser [mailto:keir.fraser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Friday, March 27, 2009 11:46 AM
> To: Dan Magenheimer; Jan Beulich; Juergen Gross
> Cc: xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: spinlock requests (was RE: [Xen-devel] [Patch] don't spin
> with irq disabled)
> On 27/03/2009 17:00, "Dan Magenheimer"
> <dan.magenheimer@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > For rw_is_write_locked(), I had a devil of a time
> > because of what appeared to be a weird code generated
> > race; the obvious simple implementation failed
> > periodically... apparently due to racing against
> > try_readlock attempts! (I use it in an ASSERT so it
> > was a rather noticeable and spectacular failure!)
> > The workaround I used below is a horrible hack
> > but I haven't had problems since.
> What try_readlock would that be? There is no such function.
> The failing
> version of rw_is_write_locked() is exactly what I would
> implement. I don't
> see how it could race other lock acquisition attempts -- if
> anyone could see
> the lock field as >0 then read_lock attempts could spuriously fail. It
> should especially definitely work if you are ASSERTing that
> the CPU you are
> running on has the write lock. If you are ASSERTing about the
> lock being
> held by other CPUs, perhaps there could be races in that case?
> Actually I would argue that rw_is_write_locked() is hard to implement
> accurately -- a reader and a writer can both update the lock
> field; only the
> first to update wins the race; and an external observer of
> the lock field
> cannot tell whether the reader or writer won unless it spins
> and waits for
> the failed party to undo its update. But this can only result in false
> positives (returns TRUE when the writer has actually failed
> to grab the
> lock) I think, which will generally be benign for the kinds
> of assertion
> statements you want to write. OTOH it makes me uncertain
> about providing
> this function, and I wonder if you should just use rw_is_locked().
> -- Keir
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