Re: [Xen-devel] Explore the source code
I'd like to know about grant table and Xen memory management.
Especially what module is serving grant page in hypervisor.
And how many hypervisor threads(like kernel thread in OS) are running
and what are those.
George Dunlap wrote:
All of the folders are important, or they wouldn't be there. :-)
What is it you'd eventually like to do? Maybe that will help us put
you on the quickest path there.
On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 5:02 PM, Patrick Archibal <bugpb60@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have a lots of questions about xen. Also, i would like to explore the code
in order to have a better understand of (i hope) how xen works.
I have untar the source code, but i'm really lost. I'm a newbie in thatbut i
want to learn how to read the code.
Can someone tell me how the archive is organized ? What folders are
important or not ?
In fact, i would like to have some basis and how i can begin this type of
Thanks in advance
Patrick Archibal
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