Re: [Xen-devel] question on PV pass-through patch
Masroor Vettuparambil wrote:
I tried your patch with CONFIG_XEN_PCIDEV_BACKEND_VPCI.
Detached the pci on the source and attached another slot to migrated
domU on destination.
Migration is happening smoothly. thanks for your work.
a minor thing I noticed is, dmesg on domU shows the following warning
during pci-detach,
WARNING: g.e. still in use!
WARNING: leaking g.e. and page still in use!
I'm not sure what this means, but it looks like something is wrong
with the disconnect procedure of pcifront/pciback.
I wonder if we can achieve a 'live' migration of direct access, ie,
without interrupting the network traffic?
Something like creating a vif(network-attach) on domU for carrying the
n/w traffic temporarily till the migration is over.
After migration, move the n/w traffic back from vif to newly
pci-attached NIC on the destination.
Any thought?
Actually I've been thinking of "passthrough domain live migration"
using a multipath-driver which combines a passthrough device and
a virtual device. Below is an idea of live migrating a domU
which has passthrough network device attached.
- First create bond0 and add the passthrough interface to it.
- Usually we use the passthrough interface (fast path).
- Before migration, attach a vif to the domU and add the vif interface
to bond0. Then remove the passthrough inteface from bond0 and do
pci-detach. We can migrate without network disconnection because
the vif is now enabled (slow path).
- After migration, do pci-attach, add passthrough interface to bond0,
and disconnect the vif interface (switch back to fast path).
I hope this method works, but I haven't have an opportunity to try it
myself yet.
Yosuke Iwamatsu
NEC Corporation
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