Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] Fix c/s 17104
Yes, Intel's most recently mentioned bug (1180: low-res and low-colour WinXP
display) is also due to the mmio changes. At least it goes away when I
revert changesets 17105, 17104, 17102, 17100, 17098, 17090, in that order.
-- Keir
On 28/2/08 16:12, "Christoph Egger" <Christoph.Egger@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Monday 25 February 2008 10:03:18 Keir Fraser wrote:
>> Nice one. I didn't have a good coding afternoon on Friday. :-(
>> In general the mmio (and other) emulation changes have had very little
>> testing on AMD, so please do test and let me know if anything else has
>> broken.
> Yes, there are MMIO problems. We tracked them down to changeset 17090.
> Christoph
>> -- Keir
>> On 25/2/08 08:22, "Christoph Egger" <Christoph.Egger@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hi Keir,
>>> Changeset 17104 does not look correct to me.
>>> svm_set_interrupt_shadow() seems to be a copy & paste bug, because
>>> the intr_shadow parameter is unused.
>>> I think, what you intended to do is the attached patch.
>>> That's all what I found so far just from reading the diff - but there may
>>> be more. Please double-check.
>>> Signed-off-by: Christoph Egger <Christoph.Egger@xxxxxxx>
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