Re: [Xen-devel] dumpread for core files...
> http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenKdumpAnalysis
This information is obsolate. sorry.
You can analyze a vmcore using crash command for both
xen hypervisor and domain-0 directly.
You can get the crash command in the following URL.
to analyze the xen hypervisor, run
$ crash xen-syms vmcore
then it start the session for the xen analysis
to analyze the domain-0, run (for example)
$ crash System.map vmlinux-with-g vmcore
then it starts the session for ordinary linux analysis for domain-0
a vmcore is not necesarry to modify at all.
Itsuro Oda
On Thu, 27 Sep 2007 21:42:16 -0400
"Roger Cruz" <rcruz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> As I have not found a way to connect a debugger for debugging a
> hypervisor crash, I'm looking for the next solution, which is to read
> the coredump file generated when the hypervisor crashes (this is with
> XenSource 4.0, which does so automatically).
> In my research I came across the following post that details a way to
> break up the corefile into the hypervisor and domain 0 components and
> then use GDB to read them. This approach seems workable for me, except
> that I can't find the utility dumpread. The links given below are no
> longer active. Does anyone have access to the sources or a newer link?
> Thanks
> ---------------------------------
> Hi,
> I updated dumpread scripts to extract domain/hypervisor image
> from kdump whole-machine dump image.
> Changes:
> - libelf wrapper contains SWIG generated sources for OSs which has old
> - fix scalability problem for dump file size.
> - fix some typo.
> You can get scripts:
> http://people.valinux.co.jp/~moriwaka/dumpread/
> and short howto:
> http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenKdumpAnalysis
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