Re: [Xen-devel] [VTD-NEO][patch 0/6] Intel VT-d/Neocleus 1:1 mreged code
Vtd_tools patch breaks the build on my box. Cannot find pci/header.h or
pci/pci.h. Probably because libpci is not such a standard install component
after all? I'm trying to build on Debian 3.1.
Either the dependency needs to be avoided, or we need to be sure that the
dependency is easy to resolve on most distros, and we need a tools/check
script to check for and warn/error on the dependency.
-- Keir
On 12/9/07 02:21, "Kay, Allen M" <allen.m.kay@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Attached patches splits vtd and neo changes to tools directory. Applies
> cleanly to staging tree.
> Vtd_tools.patch: vt-d and generic changes
> Neo_tools.patch: neocleus specific changes
> Signed-off-by: Allen Kay <allen.m.kay@xxxxxxxxx>
> Signed-off-by: Guy Zana <guy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Keir Fraser [mailto:Keir.Fraser@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
>> Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 6:05 AM
>> To: Kay, Allen M; xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Cc: Guy Zana
>> Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] [VTD-NEO][patch 0/6] Intel
>> VT-d/Neocleus 1:1 mreged code for PCI passthrough
>> On 11/9/07 13:49, "Keir Fraser" <Keir.Fraser@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Haven't looked any further at the Xen parts, but I'll take a
>> look at the
>>> tools patch...
>> Looking at the tools patch, I see strange interfaces like
>> HVMOP_copy_nativedom_e820_map:
>> 1. Why is this an hvm_op unlike other added domctls?
>> 2. Why is it needed at all? Can't xc_hvm_build.c work out the
>> memory map
>> for itself? It seems like more than necessary is being done in Xen.
>> Looks like splitting solely pt and solely vtd code into
>> separate patches
>> would be a good idea, so the more acdeptable chunks can slide
>> straight in
>> without delay.
>> -- Keir
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